Innovative Technologies

Where the future takes shape.

Where the future takes shape.

Ever since 1997, DECA Service has been involved in key innovations that have radically transformed the energy and telecommunications markets.

Wherever the future is taking shape, and the world is evolving, DECA leverages its expertise to investigate, develop and manage the industry’s most advanced technologies.

Through the Socrates Project, until 2000, it also contributed to the deployment of optical fibre networks across Italy. From 2000 to 2005 it built and managed a far-reaching network of proprietary Towers on behalf of Telecom and other major telephone carriers.

After the disposal of a substantial part of the network in 2006, it expanded into the renewable energy sector, designing and building photovoltaic systems, for which it continues to provide maintenance.

In the near future, new technologies will become part of our lives and change our habits. They will foster more responsible environmental practices and provide faster access to information.

Electric mobility is set to capture more and more of the automotive market and 5G network services are now the new standard for mobile communication.

DECA is well positioned for this future. With over 25 years of experience, the company is investing considerable capital and expertise in developing a new, smart vehicle-charging network and in deploying DAS (Distributed Antenna Systems) for the 5G network.

DECA’s main focus in the near future is on:

Contracting with shopping malls, hospitals, museums, etc. to design and install DAS systems in sinergy with DAS & Towers
Identifying potential sites and purchasing poles for mobile telephony.
Maintenance of photovoltaic systems.
Construction and purchase of radio base stations.
DECA has many partners, including: Bennet, Eurocommercial, Conad, Conad Pac, Savills, Pradera, IGD, CBRE, WRM, Gabrielli, Cushman, Nhood, Svicom, Pedemontana Veneta, Comune di Alassio.


DECA has many partners, including: